The 4 a.m. Club


The 4 a.m. Club

24 hours is all the time we get in a day – yet somehow it feels like there are people who can achieve so much more in their day than us. The reason being quite simply, that those who make it big in life are those who truly understand the value of time.

Take this one simple example- say someone came and told you that everyday you get to spend $86,400 and whatever left over money you have vanishes at midnight and you get a new stock of the same amount every single day. Your first reaction would be to try and spend every last buck so as to squeeze out the most of the money you are getting. Quite similarly, we get 86,400 seconds in our life everyday yet somehow it feels like we simply aren’t using this time efficiently. Why don’t we carry forward the same analogy of money to time? Time too doesn’t get carried forward to the next day and once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. So then why not take advantage of this free yet invaluable resource that we have that is TIME!

86,400 dollars or 86,400 seconds??

You may be wondering that I as a young 16 year old teenager won’t be able to change your perspective on time and you may just be most certainly right. But what I want to share with y’all today is something that truly changed my life for the better…

I still remember that day when for the first time I woke up at 4 am and experienced the magical feeling of being awake while the rest of the world slept. The tranquility of the dawn was unmatched to any other feeling I had ever felt before and amidst the peace and quiet, there was still that mighty and powerful voice within me that seemed to be louder than ever before, motivating me to focus on what I had at hand. 

4 am truly is extremely early and to be very honest in this day and age so many people end their day at 4 am itself. And while I too was sailing in that same boat for the longest time, thinking that getting up early wasn’t my cup of tea, September 21st, 2021 is when that outlook completely changed. I was scrolling through YouTube when I came across this video on why waking up early can change your life and just something about that video resonated within me and inclined me to watch the full thing, and I haven’t looked back since!

If you get up at 4 am every day, it teaches your mind the two principles I hold most important in life- discipline and consistency. And over time, this seemingly impossible habit will become second nature to you. Solely looking at this from the mathematical standpoint, getting up at 4 am gives you 8 hours before noon. Imagine what you can do with that amount of time. This world is full of talented people who we will always be competing against but there is no replacement for hard work and if you consistently get up earlier than your competition and clock in more hours than them, there will come a time when you come out on top.

I followed this 4 am schedule taking inspiration from these 3 key rules which questions truly why everyone doesn’t follow this routine-

  1. What are you missing out on by sleeping in? Everything
  2. What are you giving up by sleeping in? Everything
  3. What are you accomplishing by sleeping in? Nothing

Therefore, I urge everyone who reads this to try waking up at 4 am for just one day and then follow it for a week and watch that week turn to 20 days which will finally cement the habit forever… and slowly watch your life change into something you had never imagined before. I started this routine exactly a year back and I can only hope that you reap the benefits that I did from it!

To say- “I don’t have time”, is to say- “I don’t want to”. You want to change your life? Then seize the present! 
