
The 4 a.m. Club

  The 4 a.m. Club 24 hours is all the time we get in a day – yet somehow it feels like there are people who can achieve so much more in their day than us. The reason being quite simply, that those who make it big in life are those who truly understand the value of time. Take this one simple example- say someone came and told you that everyday you get to spend $86,400 and whatever left over money you have vanishes at midnight and you get a new stock of the same amount every single day. Your first reaction would be to try and spend every last buck so as to squeeze out the most of the money you are getting. Quite similarly, we get 86,400 seconds in our life everyday yet somehow it feels like we simply aren’t using this time efficiently. Why don’t we carry forward the same analogy of money to time? Time too doesn’t get carried forward to the next day and once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. So then why not take advantage of this free yet invaluable resource that we have that is TIME! 86,400